A few months ago I was surfing blog land and came across this blog called Crafty Storage http://craftystorage.blogspot.com/ that posts different peoples craft rooms and their great organizing ideas. That's when I came across this post http://craftystorage.blogspot.com/2008/04/creations-by-jeff.html and then I read on and seen that he does it for a business and that's when I new I had to have one! So I visited his blog here http://creationsbyjeff.vox.com/ and emailed Jeff. We chit chatted back and forth and I thought ok..what do I really want to store my ribbon in and told Jeff what it was I was thinking and WALA he came up with this AMAZING ribbon holder for me! It was just like I had dreamed...it was PERFECT!!!
I got up my ribbon holder on the wall finally after a month or two (I just LOVE this thing) then there was an empty space next to it on the wall and I thought ok..what is it I need there??? I thought OHHHH I can have Jeff make me an ink holder to match. I did need a bigger ink holder since I'm out growing the little 72 ink holder that I have now haha! So I emailed Jeff right away and we talked about it and he said he could do it! Isn't this guy just AWESOME??? And the coolest thing is I get to pick it up from him in Las Vegas in a couple weekends and I get to meet him! How awesome is that? I will be posting my ink holder VERY soon.Thank you Jeff you ROCK!
Very nice! You are lucky to be able to pick up from him. Unless you are driving, watch out for those airline charges for extra baggage.
Thank you so much for all of your nice words. I am also looking forward to meeting you with your ink pad holder in my hands ;)
Thanks for the link. That IS awesome. You lucky girl! So are you gonna be a bad girl in Vegas...Spend some serious dough on stamps and craps!? haha. What amazing storage stuff you got your hands on!!!
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