I'm so happy I'm jumping up and down!!! I recieved this Brillante Weblog Award from the most telented Stamper and Scrapper Jennifer Muraoka. You all have to go visit her blog because she ROCKS! She gives me so much inspiration her work is so bright and fun and she also has some GREAT video tutotials. Click here to visit her blog
http://www.kiyomikrafts.com/kiyomi/ .
So here are the rules for this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls and/or guys you've nominated.
PS. For those whom I am giving this award to...Don't worry about passing it on. This is just to let you know that I think you ROCK!
Drum roll please...Here are the nominees for Brillante Weblog...In no particular order...
Punky's spot...I'm sending this one out to Trish she is one of my bestest and most sweetest friends and she just started her blog a couple weeks ago. She also just started selling Stampin Up again and her work is awesome!
Homemade Greetings...Anna is a VERY sweet person and my Close to my Heart consultant she just started a few months ago so if you need a CTMH consultant she's the girl you want. She keeps me up to date on all the specials coming up and pressures me into buying more and more each time but only to get the better deals! LOL! She also posts lots of pretty cards. http://homemadegreetings.blogspot.com/4.
Blue Moon Creations... Anne has some of the CUTEST projects ever on her blog along with adorable cards! She is forsure inspiration to your eyeballs! Great ideas with Stampin Up products! And what do you know she lives about 40 mins. from my home town!
Mish Mash...I know that I don't comment here as often as I should but GIRLS she rocks. Michelle's cards are so adorable and she has some really cute ideas! Stop by and visit her blog
Mommy Time...Michelle is one of my newest friends on my blog of friends. I met her on Splitcoast Stampers and shes super sweet! I talked her into starting a blog along with alot of others that she didn't think she would ever do. SO YAY Michelle to your new blog and new friends! She has some pretty cards to share right here
Pieces of Me...I know I know she's already got an award but I had to give her another because I can always go to her blog and can smile BIG. She's a funny girl and a super telented stamper. She's also an Angel just like me.
Pink Cat Studio...Ok, so there are only suppose to be 7 awards going out but, I have just ONE more to give out and that's to the AMAZING owner of Pink Cat Studio, Melissa...she is one of the most caring and beautiful (inside and out) ladies that I know. And her stamps ROCK and I just LOVE designing for her and her company. I'm so blessed to be part of her awesome design team.
http://pinkcatstudio.blogspot.com/And last but not least I have been SUPER busy with life and family but I did manage to make these little altered mini M&M contaniers. I will be busy this week with more projects and will be posting alot more in the next few days!